Counting The Beat Lockdown Sleepout Singles Special
Night Shades - The Desert (Beasto)
Na Noise - Open The Door (Holiday Records)
Rebel Truce - Licence To Kill, The Lost Tapes EP (Green Recordings)
Die Die Die - 450 (Records Etcetera)
Threat Meet Protocal - Witch Trials (Self Released)
Duncan Pipper - Love Overload (Massage)
Maxine Funke & P Wits - Every Kind Word, Forest Photographer (Chemical Imbalance)
The Trephines - Ray Columbus (South Indies)
Ray Columbus - Traveling Singing Man (Polydor)
The National Party - Close The Universities And Schools (Propellor)
Car Crash Set - Breakdown (Reaction)
Sundae Painters - Aversion (Leather Jacket Records)
Bordger - Kult Krusher, War Of Extinction (Limbless)
Distant Fear - A Reminder Of Death (Wrought Material)
Punisher - Living In A Private Hell (Razored Raw)
Dead C - Three Songs, All Goodbyes (Language Recordings)